Separate DonationAlerts and VkPlayLive accounts for Radio – Mikulski
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Separate DonationAlerts and VkPlayLive accounts for Radio

I have created a new page for Mikulski_Radio on DonationAlerts and have already replaced all the links in the descriptions of the channels where the radio stream is broadcast.
This was done for my convenience, as well as so that donations and requests do not mix with each other in statistics and alerts.
It is unlikely that someone will get confused, but be vigilant and check the header of the donation page: – Main. – Radio.

VkPlayLive has finished beta testing and now you can freely open your channels on this site. According to the established tradition (and again for my own convenience), I separated the radio radio-channel from the main one.
The technical feature of the platform is that a Boosty account is required – a subscription system is tied to it. Since it is impossible to link multiple channels to one account, I also started a separate Boosty 😀 You can ignore it, because it exists, in fact, only for internal use on VkPlayLive.