Recap 2023 – Mikulski
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Recap 2023

According to the established tradition, I share the creative results of the outgoing year.


To my own surprise and contrary to previously planned plans, 2023 was held for me under the banner of amateur programming. I can’t say that I have reached a fundamentally new level, but there is at least some understanding of what is happening and a sense of meaning in my actions.
The most important thing is that it became possible to implement all the tasks set and achieve their stable operation. Even at the cost of a large number of red-eyed sleepless nights spent at the LCD.
Some of the projects, for various reasons, had to be abandoned, but the experience gained upon their completion always opened up a solution for previously abandoned ideas. That’s partly why I couldn’t stop at some point and stop implementing even more chips.
I have tried very hard to increase the comfort and convenience for streaming viewers, as well as to facilitate my multitasking activities in this area. Even if it turned out to be not particularly in demand in the end, but I regret nothing and I have something to be proud of 🙂

From the main work done:

  • Russian to English and English to Russian automatic bot translator for livestreams linked to the Yandex API.
  • My own notification system in Discord & Telegram about the beginning of streams, followed by the removal of announcements (everyone is infuriated by the public channels littered with such posts?).
  • Countdown to the next livestream in Discord and Telegram.
  • Improved requestbots for Mikulski_Radio not only in Twitch chat, but also in Discord & Telegram
  • Various widgets for Mikulski_Radio: a pop-up animated banner, changing the cover for tracks depending on the year of release, showing the latest event from different sites and goal widgets.

Well, the root cause of all this ordeal…


The most important thing that happened to Mikulski_Radio this year is the introduction of the ability to switch from a playlist of highlights to a livestream. If earlier Mikulski_Radio was something separate, a kind of addition to the main channel on Twitch, now this concept has changed towards a single whole. At least for the rest of the sites, where “radio” and live shows are two in one at once. However, it seems to me that this still puts random visitors into a stupor, despite all the information posted. However, I hope that the countdown on the screen to the live stream will somehow affect this misunderstanding.

There are 194 tracks in the current playlist with a total running time of 11 hours and 13 minutes, and 56 highlights were mounted over the year.

There have also been experiments with more complex video editing. But since the process turned out to be very time-consuming, and it did not add much to the views, this practice did not bacome permanent:


Not as often as expected, but there were still performances on the local stage. In different settings and with different duration. Most of them were documented and converted into usable content:
2023-02-16 | Mentalica pt.10 | DNVT bar
2023-09-03 | Mikulski | the Bread Place
2023_09_24 | Mikulski | DNVT bar
2023_10_31 | Mentalica Halloween Party | DNVT bar
By the way, there will be another event with my participation before the end of the year: on December 30th at the Tolk bar, Krasnoyarsk.


A dozen articles were written

Stream Stats

Something like that. Happy New Year 2024 to all!

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