Since on most platforms the stream switches from an offline playlist of highlights to a live stream without restarts, it becomes problematic to track my online perfomances.
But, fortunately, we have several bots with “targeted” notification delivery.
All you need to do is launch the bot and activate your subscription to notifications.
You can unsubscribe at any time.
- The Discord server is located at: - After joining the server, go to the
channel and click on the emote under the only message there to be assigned the@Notify!📜
role. - When my live broadcast starts, the bot will post a message in the
channel and tag you for the assigned role. - This is the only tag I use to encourage server participants (with rare, rare exceptions), so you don’t have to disable the built-in Discord notifications.
- When the stream ends, the announcement post in the
channel will be automatically deleted (i.e. while the announcement is visible, it means the stream is online).

- The bot lives at:
- Launch the bot with the command:
- After that, a menu with buttons will appear.
- Press
Notifications 🔔 Уведомления -> Enable Notifications 🔔 Включить Уведомления
– to activate the notification subscription. - When my live stream starts, the bot will send you a message.
Disable Notifications 🚫 Отключить уведомления
– refuse to receive notifications.- The bot is also able to accept requests for Mikulski_Radio, show countdown until the next stream and the latest news.